Since 1987
a passion for great challenges

CAD sas is a story of growth and collaboration.
For over 30 years we have made our skills available at the service of companies.

Attilio Cortinovis founds his technical studio that deals with design and execution of mechanical drawings and assemblies.
The technical studio has grown and the work is constantly increasing. Attilio broadens his horizons and hires new staff thus the company CAD SAS is born (Cortinovis Attilio Disegni).


The first great collaborations begin. Thanks to hard work and great ability and professionalism CAD collaboration begins with Gildemeister and Farrel Pomini.
The work grows as well as the number of CAD designers. CAD sas decides to expand its headquarters.


CAD sas undertakes a new and important challenge by collaborating with the National Research Council.
CAD has exceeded a dozen employees. Among them many young graduates in engineering. Attilio Cortinovis is far-sighted and decides to invest in the skills of his “boys” by founding the CAD Machinery division that deals with the design and construction of special machines


The first orders arrive! The construction and testing of the machines require adequate space. At the same time the technical studio has grown. CAD moves to its new headquarters consisting of a technical office of 500 square meters and a production unit of over 1500 square meters.
CAD Machinery begins to produce the first fully automatic lines. The first creations range from component assembly machines to palletizers for Packaging.


CAD sas begins to collaborate with Rulmeca offering support both in the design and in the assembly of modules. The ability of our specialized fitters creates a new opportunity is the assembly service for third parties.
The first machines for line implementation and operator support are made.


CAD Machinery faces a new challenge and opens new horizons during the year. The first machines for cutting and finishing materials are made.
Schneider Electric select CAD sas to become official Machine integrator thanks to the great ability and competence demonstrated by our programmers.


The measuring arm arrives in CAD sas. An ad hoc laboratory is created to carry out control measurements on components both for internal use and for third parties.
CAD Service is born. The division includes all the services related to mechanical design; Furthermore, thanks to the collaboration with EnginSolution, CAD Service begins to provide engineering services.


Thanks to the skills developed over the years on the construction of logistics systems CAD sas leaves the Italian borders by installing its machines in many European countries and activating assistance services h 24.
CAD sas becomes a global reality, installing the first machines in the United States.


​The Automation Team also grows and expands: thanks to the skills of its members, after-sales support and third-party programming become increasingly appreciated services. And so CAD creates a dedicated and tailor-made space: the Automation Office is inaugurated!
Recognizing the need to give talent time to express itself and create conditions for everyone to give their best, CAD launches a new project: CAD ACADEMY, a continuous internal training program to expand the practical and technical skills of our team and support them in time management, conflict resolution, and relationships.