In CAD Group, at the center of everything there are people who, thanks to their commitment and a climate of mutual trust, have contributed to the growth of the company.
We therefore believe it is essential that every employee has the opportunities and support and well-being necessary to express their potential in a safe and pleasant workplace.
CAD is strongly committed to promoting a “work-life balance policy” for a correct balance between the professional and private life of its employees, always keeping a high degree of attention to their needs.
"I have decided to be happy because it is good for my health."

In CAD we know that to give their best each person must feel an integral part of the company and that, as a fundamental component of the team, he feels free to express himself certain of being listened to and valued.
Every week, meetings are held between the technical department and workshop managers. During these meetings the situation is reviewed on the contracts in progress, new assignments are assigned and everyone can report impressions and suggestions to improve the organization of the work.
Two annual meetings are also held with the personnel. Here the progress and the general trend of the company is communicated.
In this way not only our employees are always updated on all aspects of company life but they are at the same time stimulated to propose alternative or innovative solutions.

In CAD , the approach to talent development is also unique and is based on the belief that each employee has a potential to share and refine.
Continuous training is necessary not only to offer updated and effective services but also to stimulate our employees to view work from a perspective of constant improvement, making them proud and confident in their abilities.
That's why CAD ACADEMY was born: a continuous training project that includes targeted courses to improve practical and technical skills, as well as training sessions for time management, conflict resolution, and relationships.
Due to numerous machine installations abroad, CAD Group has initiated an English language training program initially aimed at staff involved in managing such projects and subsequently extended to all employees.

Work Life Balance
Balance between working and private. CAD is first of all a family-run company and as such recognizes the need of its employees to support and live their loved ones to the fullest.
A flexible time policy for all allows each of us to manage freely their times and spaces: the duration of the lunch break is flexible and this allows those who wish to enjoy lunch with the family; the permits are easily feasible to meet any personal need.
In 2019 the pandemic has pushed CAD towards a smarter management of work. This possibility was subsequently retained to allow its employees, when possible, to work remotely according to their needs, providing each with the right tools to perform their work in the best possible way, even outside the office.

Clean, tidy and comfortable environments facilitate work and well-being.
Every area of the building is designed down to the smallest detail and equipped with everything necessary for its specific purpose.
From the comfortable canteen room equipped with everything necessary for preparation and consumption of your meal up to the well-kept and shaded outdoor gardens where you can spend a pleasant coffee break with colleagues.
The working environments are no less: an organized workshop, safe and tidy, the technical office with its ergonomic and avant-garde settings, a programming and prototyping area designed to ensure the maximum expression of the technologies installed, and the bright meeting room equipped with all the comforts necessary for the peaceful conduct of meetings both in presence and remotely.

Healt & Well being
As we often love to repeat, at the center of CAD there is the person and nothing is more important in life than the health oand wellness.
We encourage our employees to adopt healthy and active lifestyles and to take care of themselves and their families.
In the canteen as well to the coffee machine that also dispenses healthy and natural snacks, we have set up a space dedicated to the preparation of tea and herbal teas. Moreover, every week a local producer supplies our baskets with fresh seasonal fruit which is made available free of charge to the staff.
Healthy nutrition and physical activity are essential to stay healthy. For this reasons throughout the year we invite our team to trips and excursions in nature.
In each area of the company special diffusers of essences both therapeutic and sanitizing aromas have been positioned (Click here to find out more)
For all employees an additional health plan (CADIPROF) has also been activated to support them in any medical expenses.